Il just list a few that poped up in my head :
1.Begging and giving charity :
We ve been always taught that beggin is a bad thing and never beg it what so ever situation and rather try workig hard to get what we want , at the same time we are taught quite contradictorily to give away alms , to dante things , or charity to be precise !
2.Murder and Euthanasia :
This now a very sensitive issue killing someone is bad , in fact a crime .. but what if the doctors do it in the name of mercy killing , this point confuses me a lot .. neva found a true answer for this contradiction !!
3.Freedom of speech :
To say what we feel is right is a birth right , but what if this little gestures irks somebody's sentiments or thoughts ?.. In the case of reality shows this happens to be the latest trend , even on many social networking sites .. people publicly abuse someone and later say sorry again publicly ... I ask is the word sorry being abused rather than the person ??
4.Technology :
My dearest cell phone cant stay a moment without it , I neva knew id give so much importance to a metal piece :P.Technology is quite a boon to us ... because of this we are connected with everyone all the time !!!.. Are we not forgetting the person right beside us in this rat race ? .. i mean ya its fun cool and quite an obsession .. but sometimes .. nah say most of the time we forget to acknowledge the people with us in the pursuit to stay connected with someone who is miles away !!!
If i have to go on there are many such things. For example loving somebody who is not right for you in any possible way .Sometimes choosing something that does suit you just for the heck of it .... aren't there many such situations when you choose the wrong side knowingly .
So, these are a few things that bother me as a matter of fact :p ;)
( guess lil bit of studying did wonders to my head , that i started thinking of contradicting stuff :p)
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