Couldn't think of a more appropriate title here ....
Emotions they play a very important role in ones life .. once played with are never the same again . Once ur hurt for a life time , every little something tends bother ur emotional quotient !
People have their own choice of favorite emotions , mine happens to be sadness , grim and all the darkness , sometimes i feel im being pulled into a dark hole and there is no one pulling me up, i wonder if i have some serious psychological problem. One moment im all happy , i feel like im the king of the world , one little tweeny bit of bad , i start feeling like a gigantic mountain of sadness dropped on me ! .. I wonder if i can ever come out of what happened with me and left me to be the person iam now , no matter how happy iam , i still have nightmares of getting hurt. I may have turned into some drama queen , with nothing but a bag of emotions , but trying to get out and become a diva of happiness ! ( hopinng il be that one day ! )
I feel pity for people who put up with the amount of nuisance i create with all the emotional atyachar ! I have a strong feeling theyl snap one day !
Past cannot be corrected , it doesnt mean it doesnt haunt you ! because it haunts me everyday , i rarely have a night without suddenly waking up because of the nightmares!....
One thing loud and clear in my head im scared of getting hurt , and i hate getting hurt !
State of mind now : Blank
Emotions they play a very important role in ones life .. once played with are never the same again . Once ur hurt for a life time , every little something tends bother ur emotional quotient !
People have their own choice of favorite emotions , mine happens to be sadness , grim and all the darkness , sometimes i feel im being pulled into a dark hole and there is no one pulling me up, i wonder if i have some serious psychological problem. One moment im all happy , i feel like im the king of the world , one little tweeny bit of bad , i start feeling like a gigantic mountain of sadness dropped on me ! .. I wonder if i can ever come out of what happened with me and left me to be the person iam now , no matter how happy iam , i still have nightmares of getting hurt. I may have turned into some drama queen , with nothing but a bag of emotions , but trying to get out and become a diva of happiness ! ( hopinng il be that one day ! )
I feel pity for people who put up with the amount of nuisance i create with all the emotional atyachar ! I have a strong feeling theyl snap one day !
Past cannot be corrected , it doesnt mean it doesnt haunt you ! because it haunts me everyday , i rarely have a night without suddenly waking up because of the nightmares!....
One thing loud and clear in my head im scared of getting hurt , and i hate getting hurt !
State of mind now : Blank