Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tour #1

Im done with feeling down .. uff its just not "me"..!!! Not smiling for an entire day .. OMG , it was really hard !
Let me tell you what changed mah mind ... i was in this "trance state ", all of sudden i noticed Vivek ( my buddy ) he was sporting some ancient shirt , I started yelling at him for his crappy dressing .. all of a sudden a ball hit my head HARD !!! ... i was blank for a sec !! .. thats when i came to my senses !! :P ( jus kidding !!!).. basically Vivek and gang took me McD to cheer me up .... n looo i did cheer up ..
Enough of my change of mind , il talk about funny thing that happened.. Well on the first day of our tour we all went to visit "The India Gate".... Poser that iam started giving all kinds of poses for the photographs , i dragged rajeev and all to pose along with me ... we put on the devil horns and took pictures ... we created a scene of  murder ... i had a pic exclusively taken to put up as my FB profile pic !!! ... After all this effort the day when we reached shimla and were about t check out the pis we took , Pranita ( another friend of mine , complete fool !!).. pressed the delete button instead of next !! ... and woooosh went all the pics !! ....
All we were left were with a camera with no pics !!! :P ;)


  1. i still remember me trying umpteen times to take the picture in which pranita was trying to kill you or something like that, with the glowing horns on both of your heads. ;p

  2. You can undelete the photos if you haven't taken lot of photos after you deleted them.
