Friday, March 25, 2011

Different versions of the same story !!

OK ... so, we were at college today , there was this volley ball match going on ... ( I was waiting for CSE and ECE's match .. they planned some fun thing !! :P ). All of a sudden this guy called stared hitting someone called Rakesh ( our Jnr ).. Rakesh ripped of Bilals shirt and all the GANG of so called friends of Bilal started smacking and punching Rakesh ... All this right in front of my eyes ... OMG !!
I was very curious about the story behind this fight , so , I started asking people what happend ,
Story 1:
Rajeev : Bilal provoked ( he used some other word i forgot ) this jnr guy .. he got pissed and spat back and the fight started !
Rahul : Bilal was tried to pull the book from Jnr guys hand and he said something fight started !
Randeer : Bilal and Jnr guy were writing in two different books ... Bilal tried to change something , then something happend , he pulled book from Jnr guy and he said something he smacked him , the other guy tore off his shrit and the rest of bilal's friends started hitting Jnr guy !!
While I was putting this up , Randeer texted me saying Punith also got hit in the fight and Abinav and gang (i.e, the Juniors) got involved !!! ...
These are the different versions of the same story ;) :P
So, now that Im done mentioning about this ... I wana say a big big big Sorry to Rajeev and Venky !!!!! sorry guys :)


  1. hey, you didn't have to apologize. i wasn't mad at you or anything, really.

    and oh yeah, i can be a "master of jackassery" sometimes, sorry about that, you know, if i was rude or something.

  2. and keep writing, all your new posts are awesome. i likey. :)

  3. he he glad that ur not mad at me ... i was really worried !!!!

    il keep wirting and u plz keep reading :)))))))))
