Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yes I miss U !

Today is just one of those days were everything i did reminded me of u every song i heard somehow related to u. I hate days like 2day,becoz they remind me of one thing i dont have !... : (----

All these days ive been acting all strong ,I thought il get over u someday for sure.I was determined to do that .But somewhere something was wrong.I always end up thinking about u at some point of the day. not a single conversation ends without ur thought.I wish this would stop!! ....u made me and are still makin feel lonely !
The hardest part of missing you is that ur so close by yet i prefer to ignore you.....
I tried to move on,but i feel something pulling me back!.. when you used to call my heart used to start beating ,now that ur gone it wont stop bleeding !.. YES i do Miss U ! ...
But may be missing you is better than geting back !... because i know that will neva happen !..  I just keep giving myself  false excuses .... But at one point i know the truth !.. I know i shouldnt care ! but i do...

But then again ,sometimes no matter how much faith we have , we loose people.But u never forget them.And sometimes,its those memories that give us the stregnth to go on... il go on too ... just hoping against the hope !

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