Monday, May 31, 2010


Prince,princess !!!!
Once UpoN A tIMe ... in FAr far  aWay Land................
pixies,dwarfs....evil QuEEn...

Fairy tales ... dont they sound wonderful ??... A tragic gal ... growing up to be a princess , with a perfect prince charming waiting there somewhere jus to ask her out ! .. and  tadaaa ... a happy EnDIng !!!!

>> Today i thought il write about something that ive been feeling for quite sometime now ...
SOmetimes i desperately wish that life colud turn out to be like those stories from those amazing fairy tales ... perfect in every way !.. people often tell me that Im so much addicted to these fantasy world tales that sometimes i refuse to see the reality .. MAy be they are right .. i tend to live in a dreamworld,my fairytale land !...This little imaginary world of mine is where i find solace ( i knw  big word to use !! :P )......I sort of like it there !... i tend forget myself there !! .... BUt !!! Im not a complete downer !.. i do come into reality , I understand things n do stuff ..... Fairy tales may be for kids , but whose not a kid at heart ( atleast ocassionally :P ).. I loved them as a Kid .. And I still love them .....

REaLity CHeCk >: LIFES NO FAIRY TALE !!!!! :D ..................


  1. who said u refuse to see the truth..... "u already saw it".....its goooood

  2. ohh!!!! thanxx re ! u understood me !! hehe
