Sunday, October 17, 2010

Did U sMile Today ?

I cant believe it .. I almost stopped blogging !!! ... Woke up today and I suddenly realized ,when was the last time I posted something ?.. Well hear I am today , hoping to come up with something good !

Well the reason why decided to blog today was a morning msg that i got early today . it goes something like this :
Its so common hearing
how r u ?
what r u doing ?
how was ur day ?
 so let me ask u something different :
did u smile today ? if not,do it now ! good morning :)

It sounded sensible to me .And why did I find it so amusing ? .. hmm yesterday night before I went to bed my friend called me up saying there was a tragic and sudden death  in his family and he was sobbing all over ! None of my comforting words could pacify him,I realized he was the same person telling everyone to keep happy no matter what happens ! I slept with these thoughts nagging me .

 When somebody wishes us we tend to reply and then ask how you doing and stuff , well most of us do ! .. so , why not give a shot at this ( well not at all times and not with all of 'em ! .. ) and ask our loved ones "did ya smile Today ? :) ".Life is a one time opportunity you don't often get second chances  , before you can say " Life's hard ", think  "Compared to what? ".You always have a reason to smile if you look closely,grab the reason and smile ! .. Because anything can happen at any moment hear , just like a twist in a mystery novel !
All I wanted to say is smile at every chance you get  :)

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