Friday, September 3, 2010


Lovely morning ... siting on a swing on the roof top garden enjoying the blissful morning ...birds singing , butterflies buzzing ... ah can all days be so good !!
This is how my day started today! .. For the first time in 2 years I noticed the goodness of morning RAGAS !! .. wondering what these RAGAS are ... well they are sounds of nature ... birds cooking , butterflies buzzing , mums calling out for their kids to wake up... Where have all these sounds gone all these days , i asked myself this question for nearly an hour ... Then i realized , its not the morning that has changed but the way i look at it changed !!
I felt ive finally come outa the box that ive been trapped for the past few months , I can breath easy now .. I realized life isnt about pleasing someone ! .. Its about pleasing yourself !( without hurting others :P )
Some situations that happend recently made me a strong willed person that I was not before !  People around me are responsible for this .Now even though they try to fiddle with my thoughts or decisions they can even cross the bridge .. Coz I make my decisions now !.. I live my life now ... Nobody can ditter me or pull me down with their lame actions !
And one thing that I found out today is When ur happie the world around you seems a wonderful place , but when ur sad it seems to be hell .. !!... I LOve being my Extrovert self rather than Introvert !!!