Friday, February 19, 2010

MusIc and MeMorieS.!

my heart will go on...
 one love..
kutch kucth hota hein.....
tera honelaga hun...
show me the meaning...

HOw does it feel listening to your favrouite songs..? We feel some kind of bliss , dont we? Some songs are attached with sweet or sour memories also! Does this sound weird ? believe me it isnt!
Music is a divine state of art.It soothens your mind and your body.You always feel relaxed and happy when you listen to your favrouite song.At the end of the day a good song makes you feel wonderfully happy!
This always works for me.
My lifes events are always related to one song or the other.Some hilarious : ),some sad :( .I start tending to imagine my self  in the song im listening to( funny huh?).
Let me share a few of them:
Smack That-
This one was one of  the most hillarious moments of my life, one of friends from college was trying to dance for this song and it well turned out....ah..well funny(lol..!)
Dance pe Chance-
I love this track ..reminds me of all those practice sessions of my freshers!
As long as you love me-
Reminds me of my first crush : >
Hamko hamisee-
SRK with his gorgeous sweater! awsome!
Right na na-
When ever i want to get certian things right!
......well the list is endless !
Songs also remind us about certian people in life.Forgotten people come as a flash into our minds aas soon as we hear some tracks.Memories are really sweet! THey are the part of our daily life.Keeping us connected.
I love music ! It makes me feel happy ...hope its the same with you all too....! =)


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