Friday, January 8, 2010

Going Through Dark Tunnels!

When hope starts to fade,when everything seems lost....We feel as if we are walking through a dark tunnels.Grief seems to be prevailing all the way.Cold,dark and damp,all we have is sadness within us.Facing this kind of situation is just as teribble as trying to melt ice in 0'C temperature!Life seems so harsh on us,we start tending to feel we are destined for this.The people whom we thought were yours seem to be not botherd about you anymore,you feel everyone is happy except you!

But every dark tunnel has a bright end.Life is a climb we fall we get up.If you are being rediculed at something,think about it,think why? if you have a hunch about things think again,if you still feel its right go ahead with it.All we can do is search for this brighter end which is waiting for us.Things fall in place after you pass through this.Just keep walking,find that end and prove yourself,show what your made of!If its hard living moments by moments try making it day by day.Somethings are easy to say and hard to practice,but its worth giving it a shot!

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