Saturday, December 26, 2009

know them know life no them no life..!

" A friend in need is friend in deed!"

 I heard this quote when i was i was around 8.At that time i never really understood what it meant.Those were the days when i used to think friend is the one who lends u an eraser keeps cracking  jokes and is with you always sort of way.But now my perspective about this changed drastically.My friends or my pals n buddies as i call them gave me a new beginning.I owe this piece of work to them.!
Few months back i was all broken down and lost totally confused and brooding about some nasty thing that happend to me.People warned me something like that would happen but i never really paid attention to that not even my friends.Finally the doomsday came i was left in the middle of no where not ready to face anybody not ready to speak always lost in thoughts n finally ended up getting so sick that i was put on I.Vs.That was the time when my buddies came up! 
When i refused to get up from the fallen place they pulled me out,the bulldozed me and did all that they could to bring me to what i am now.When i kept saying i was cheated,betrayed n all they kept telling me ul neva hav 2 face somethin like that from us!They lent me their shoulders to cry out my soul.They held on tight when i kept nagging to leave me alone.Helped me to see what reality was.I hurt them but they din take that to heart,understood my condition.They encouraged n supported me.That was the time when i realized how lucky i was to have them.I might have lost something precious but i also gained something  prizeless..!
To my buddies thanq very much for helping me through those dark tunnels,showing me the lantern of hope.Today i understand what that proverb meant a friend is not the one who is there with you when ur in ur best states but the one whoz with u in ur worst one!Someone who tells you when ur wrong.When the whole world sees the smile on your lips ur friend also sees the pain in your eyes.I'm glad to have such friends....!!

To my pals ....."when i am alone..I open ma palm nd look at the criss cross lines...I alwayz think which one of these made me so lucky that I got such chweet friendzz..!"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. @ASh:well thanx 4 that.This is not some kina sad note yaar this is a note of thanx thats all......

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  7. ASH: think ur nt gettin the rite meanin!!!!

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  9. hey sush...... well.......

    hw do i stat vd.....

    ahem.... ya!!!!!! 2..... gud buddy....... btw i kno al dis lng back..... bt a article..... wow!!!!

    welll lost ma words readng al dis.....!!! keep rytng ya heart.....

    -love ya hon!!!!!

  10. just remeber those friends who were there in ur bad time . and help them similarly as they did to u . if they encounter any

  11. hey sushma..........well dis is the 1st time i have visited ur blog....jus thought of it as jus anothe blog wid same nonsense before opening but got some gud stuff there..........keep it up......all the best!!!!
